YDB VALVES LLP, a pioneer manufacturing company having good experience in the designing and manufacturing of a new concept instrumentation Valves: Manifolds, Monoflanges, SBB & DBB Valves both in needle and ball types, Floating and Trunnion design Ball Valves, strictly produced in according to the most stringent quality standards of safety and efficiency.

Highly motivated team and up to date technology assist us to achieve reliable products at competitive price with better product flexibility, consistency and optimum service.

Designing and manufacturing of a new concept instrumentation Valves, strictly produced in according to the most stringent quality standards of safety and efficiency.

Experience in the understanding of applications requirements, combined with our high flexibility, allows us to develop customized solutions designed for customers’ specific needs.

YDB VALVES LLP, a pioneer manufacturing company in INDIA having good experience in the designing and manufacturing of a new concept instrumentation Valves: Manifolds, Monoflanges, SBB & DBB Valves both in needle and ball types, Floating and Trunnion design Ball Valves, strictly produced in according to the most stringent quality standards of safety and efficiency.
We have a fully well-equipped modern in-house manufacturing facility using CNC lathes, VMC, etc. with highly motivated team and up to date technology assisting us to achieve reliable products at competitive price with better product flexibility, consistency and optimum service.
Our Products

Primary Isolation Valve Application

Committed to Quality. Committed to Customer Satisfaction.
Providing High Quality, Reliable Valves for Optimum Service Life
YDB Valves is a company that always stays ahead of its competition. Our commitment to quality has allowed us to build strong relationships with customers . We design, manufacture and deliver innovative and high quality valves, which are used worldwide in critical applications.
Our design and manufacturing process adheres to the most stringent quality standards of safety and efficiency, which has earned us the ISO 9001: 2015 certification. Our quality control process is designed to ensure that all our products meet the international standards. We offer an extensive portfolio of instrumentation valve, which help our customers meet the changing industrial requirements.
We Design and Manufacture:
Forged Ball Valves
We manufacture high quality forged valves in India. Despite being outstanding in quality, our forged valves come at competitive prices. Our range of forged ball valves includes options for forged flange ball valves, forged floating ball valves, forged trunnion ball valves, heavy duty flange ball valves and ball valve manufacturers in usa.
Click here to view specifications of Forged Ball Valves.
Double Block and Bleed Valve Manufacturer
At YDB Valves, we pride ourselves in being the manufacturers & suppliers of high quality double block and bleed valves in India. Our double block and bleed valve range features double block and bleed valve manufacturer, double block and bleed needle valves and integral block and bleed valves.
Click here to view specifications of Double Block and Bleed Valve Manufacturer.
Monoflange Valves
We are recognized as reliable monoflange valves manufactures in India. Our monoflange valve range includes single block monoflange valve, block and bleed monoflange valve, block and block monoflange valve, block bleed block monoflange valve and block block bleed monoflange valve.
Click here to view specifications of Monoflange Valves.
Instrumentation Valve Applications
Our instrumentation valves replace the traditional multi-valves installations and reduce the potential leak paths in critical processes as well as the size and overall costs of the system. Some applications where our instrumentation valves: forged valves, double block and bleed valve manufacturer and monoflange provide optimal operation include:
- Gauge Isolation
- Chemical Seal Isolation
- Chemical Injection Connection
- Chemical Instrument Isolation
- Direct Mounting Of Instruments
- Sample Connection
- Remote Mounting Of Instruments
- Instrumentation Drain
- Level Measurement
- Process to instrument interface
- Pressure measurement
- Corrosive pressure media
- Flushing connections
- Level measurement
- Isolation service
At YDB Valves, we have an instrumentation valve for all your requirements. Whether you desire superior strength, excellent mechanical properties, reliability and ductility or wish for premium features that can deliver performance and longevity in critical applications, our range of instrumentation valves can deliver it all.
From lethal gases to highly corrosive liquids, our instrumentation valves can handle the extreme; that’s what makes customers trust our products. Currently, we are serving the chemical, pharmaceutical, power, petro-chemical, oil and gas, architectural, packaging, marine and electronic industry.
Choose an Instrumentation Valve of YDB Valves and save yourself from conventional multi-valve installations that cost more and also increase the size of the system.
How valves are manufactured?
Valves are manufactured by two common methods that are cast method and the forged method.
When are double block and bleed valves required?
Double block and bleed valves i.e. dbb valves are widely used in the oil and gas industry along with other industries. Mostly it is used where bleeding the wall cavity is needed.
What is a DBB valve?
Dbb valve is a single valve having two sitting services in a closed position full stop this structure offers a seal against pressure from both the valve ends.
What is the purpose of a double block and bleed valve?
The main purpose of double block and bleed valves is to completely block the fluid flow in the system so that the fluid coming from upstream does not approach other components of the system that are present on the downside.
What is the purpose of a bleed valve?
The purpose of the bleed valve is to remove liquid from a tube tank or to remove gas from a liquid.
How does an auto bleed valve work?
An automatic bleeding valve is a kind of plumbing valve which is widely used to release trapped air from the heating system automatically.